Dental Implants
Dental implants are like replacement of the tooth of the root. They are great to replace a missing tooth. They can be used to fix any problems.
Dental Implants are a safe and life-time solution for missing teeth. Anyone who is above the age of 18 and has suitable bone tissue can be a candidate for dental implants.
The most common type is single-unit implants but there are multi-unit implants as well. To find out which implant is the best for you, you can contact us to have a free treatment plan.

What Are The Benefits of Dental Implants?
- Helps keep the jawbone from shrinking due to bone loss.
- Improves quality of life.
- Restores the ability of chew.
- Painless.
- Replace the single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth.
- Long-lasting.
At Este in Turkey Clinic, all of the implants are made of titanium, for this reason the implant matches your jawbone perfectly and it does not cause any problem. We provide you a guaranty certificate for the implant and in case of any problem in the future, we will be here for you.
What Are The Benefits of Dental Implants?
Depending on the case, the implant treatment recovery process may consist 2-3 steps. Most of the patients go through 2 stages.
First of all, you must have enough bone tissue for the implant. If your bone tissue is not thick enough to hold an implant, our dentist may perform a procedure called ‘’bone grafting’’ To be able to place the implant, your jawbone must be healed completely. The recovery period for the bone grafting can be 4-6 months depending on the patient.
If your bone tissue is thick enough, you will not need a bone grafting procedure. You can have the implant treatment straight away. The healing period for the implant must be at least 3 months. This period can be extended to several months or a year.
Once your jawbone is completely healed, you can have your crown (tooth) on the implant top. This way, you will have your missing teeth back in a healthy way.
Sıngle Unit Implants
Missing a tooth can cause many problems. It can be difficult to eat and speak, it can cause aesthetic problems and it can obscure your smile. We are here to fix these issues! There are other methods to replace a missing tooth as well, the best option for replacing your tooth will be the option that recommended by our dentists after a thorough examination of your teeth. Dental implants are generally considered as the most favored tooth replacement option, both by dentists and patients.
A single implant procedure is really easy and painless. The whole procedure takes around 15 minutes.
Multi-Unit Implants
In this category, mostly all-on-4 treatment is performed.
All On Four
All on four treatment is, placing 12/14 pieces of teeth on a denture. This denture is fixed on four implants. This procedure can be performed on both jaws.
This denture is different from a complete denture. All on four dentures are fixed, not removable. Also the material of dentures and crowns are different.
This procedure is mostly suitable for people who have lost all their teeth, who have lost most of their teeth or people who have serious gum disease and are looking for a quick solution.
For this treatment, bone grafting mostly is not necessary. You may have lost the thickness of your bone in most parts of your jaw, our skilled dental surgeons can handle the situation.
All On Six
All on six treatment is very similar to all on four treatment. All on six treatment is basically placing 12/14 teeth on six implants. For these procedures crowns mostly are not placed on a denture.
Since you will have six implants for each jaw, your bone tissue must be strong enough. With our latest 3D scanners you can find out if your bone tissue is thick enough or not at Este in Turkey Clinic.
This treatment is suitable for people who have lost most of their teeth, who have serious gum disease and want a fast solution and people who have lost all of their teeth.
Bone grafting may be needed for All on six treatment but it is not a necessity.
To find out which dental implant is suitable for you, you can contact us.
Is It Painful?
When it comes to dental implants, most people are afraid to feel pain during the procedure. An implant can be placed to your jawbone with a surgical process and it may sound scary. Here, at Este in Turkey Clinic we do our procedure under the local anesthesia and we make sure that the procedure is painless for our patients.
During the healing period, to prevent pain we also provide you pain killers. Basically, the answer to the question is: NO! Implant procedure is painless.
How Much Is Dental Implant In Turkey?
Who Can Have Dental Implant Treatment?
Anyone who is at least 18 years old and has completed their jaw and facial development can have dental implants. Before starting the implant surgery, it is determined whether the patient’s jaw structure is suitable for the implant. After this procedure, in which x-ray films are taken, treatment is started if there is no problem. People who use blood thinners should stop taking them before surgery. Implants are placed in patients with diseases such as osteoporosis after necessary treatments.
Frequently Asked Questions
Fixed prostheses are given to patients who have to wear removable dentures due to lack of support teeth for dental implants. With implant treatment, the missing teeth in the mouth can be filled without cutting other teeth, unlike the application of a bridge by extracting adjacent teeth. Implant retention can be improved by placing the implant and attaching it to the prosthesis in patients who wear a removable prosthesis but cannot hold the prosthesis in place due to bone deficiency. Dental implants are currently the best treatment for dental defects.
Before the implant application, the patient is given a mild sedative and then the process begins. A comprehensive examination and x-ray is done. The remaining teeth and bone thickness in the jaw are measured. The implant is positioned, then the gum is placed on it and left to heal. Prosthetic covers are attached after the healing process. Recovery time is three months for the lower jaw and six months for the upper jaw. In some cases, newly formed teeth can be attached to the implants immediately.
Thanks to this tool, the patient can eat, laugh and talk without any discomfort. The implant, which is made of tissue-friendly materials such as titanium, is placed on the jawbone to replace the missing teeth, giving both function and appearance. Zirconium implants are a new type of implant created to increase the flexibility of titanium implants. It is used to increase endurance, especially in people with narrow jawbones. Except for durability, it has no difference other than titanium. One of the most important developments made possible by modern science, the implant procedure awaits you for even more beautiful smiles.