Forehead Lifting
Forehead Lifting The first signs of aging are sagging eyebrows and wrinkles on the forehead. These are changes that make the skin look less youthful. Low eyebrows that make the face look tired and a wrinkled forehead can make it difficult for a person to make friends. In a process called “forehead lift“, saggy eyebrows and accompanying wrinkles are removed. Its purpose is to make the face appear more alive.

How to Decide to Have Forehead Lifting?
You should talk to your plastic surgeon before you decide to have a forehead lift. After figuring out if you have any health problems, your doctor will examine your skin, scalp, and facial features to decide which procedure is the best for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
One of the most important things to consider when choosing the forehead lift method is undoubtedly the location of your hairline. If your hairline, where your scalp meets your balding forehead, is too far ahead, incisions can be made under the hair for forehead lift. This condition can be treated with an open method, where the entire forehead is stretched through the hair, called a "bicoronal" incision, or with a closed method called "endoscopic" by entering the forehead from 3 or 5 points.
In the operating room, the surgeon performs the surgery to lift the skin on the forehead. General anesthesia is used during the surgery. For this reason, the anesthetist checks the patient before the surgery. In forehead lift aesthetic surgery, incisions must be made on the scalp. This method is also recommended if you want to hide any surgical scars after the operation. Then, the excess skin on the forehead is cut and the muscles that cause wrinkles are weakened. It is a cosmetic procedure that is frequently used and often gives good results. Most forehead lifts take between one and one and a half hours.
There may be some swelling, bruising and mild pain in the first 3-4 days after forehead lift surgery. Your doctor will give you painkillers for pain after the operation. On the fourth day, you can return to your normal life.
Swelling and bruising of the forehead is likely after surgery. To reduce bruising and swelling, the head is lifted up and a cold compress is applied on the area.