Breast Lifting
Breast Lifting. Breasts have always been seen as a symbol of femininity. Balanced, upright æand moving breasts increase the beauty and self-confidence of women. As a result of pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight gain or hereditary reasons, the breasts may sag or lose shape over time. This leaves many women feeling dissatisfied. Breast lift surgery can reconstruct the breasts by lifting the breasts up, removing excess skin and tightening the tissue surrounding the breast contour.

How to Decide to Have a Breast Lift Aesthetics?
Sagging breast tissue can be caused by a number of reasons such as age, weight gain and weight loss. As a result, many techniques are applied during breast lift surgery. After the physical examination by the surgeon, surgical treatment method is selected. Breast lift surgery can be performed on any woman who has not breastfed for at least six months and does not have an active disease.
What Should Be Done Before Breast Lift Aesthetics?
Before breast lift surgery, your doctor will perform a health examination. The surgeon will ask you to quit smoking and taking blood thinners such as aspirin before treatment. You should also not eat anything for six hours before the surgery.
Frequently Asked Questions
The surgeon will decide which surgical approach to use based on the patient's breast size and shape, the size of the brown area around the nipples, the degree of sagging, and the elasticity of the skin. The nipple and saggy breast tissue are shaped, the nipple is returned to its normal position, and excess skin is removed using the chosen procedure.
Breast lift surgery takes 2-3 hours. During the surgery, the patient is unconscious. The patient does not have too much pain after the surgery. After a week, the swelling will start to go down. The stitches heal within 10 to 12 days. Even if the breasts are more upright than desired, the breast fold will return to its original shape after a month. Patients can do their own work, engage in social activities and start doing sports after 3-4 days.
Breast lift aesthetics gives effective and long-lasting results. It helps people solve social and image-related problems. Although sagging will not occur after the healing process is over, new sagging may occur due to pregnancy, weight changes or breastfeeding.